About my Blog

I have created this blog to share knowledge and experience. The world of Information & Cyber Security is a scientific one, which is why every bit of knowledge can be of crucial importance to the community.

On this blog, you will follow me on my journey to explore the world of Information & Cyber Security either through my Bachelor's Studies, my CTF-Competitions, my work as a Security Analyst or through experiments I'm doing on my own.

Richard Minder

My name is Richard Minder, and Information & Cyber Security is more than a job or a bachelor's degree for me. It's a passion.

Since my early teens, I have been gathering knowledge about how to build, mod and break software. It was a hobby which evolved into a serious investment of time and effort, leading me all the way until where I am now, where Information & Cyber Security has become an integral part of my life and my identity.

I work as a (SOC) Security Analyst, where I see the security landscape come to life. My job enables me to learn and improve on a daily basis, while working closely with professionals from different fields. My job is also my passion, as I see great importance in supporting and protecting our customers with security concerns.

As a BSc Student in Information & Cyber Security at HSLU, where I expand my horizon and gather new inspiration. In my studies, I learn to widen my peripheral vision to see the bigger picture, and to understand the puzzle pieces involved to achieve a successful information/cyber security strategy.

During my CTF challenges, I switch hats. Together with my CTF-Team AbDafuer, which I founded together with three other friends, I partake in international competitions, organize and lead workshops to share knowledge, research attack techniques and involve myself in the community. We win, lose, learn, and grow as a team.

Thank you for reading!

CTFTime: https://ctftime.org/user/136071